The Misadventures of the Escapist

Written by the one and only fantabulous Michelle! All about her daily ramblings and activity, and a good way to see what the heck she's up to... Stay tuned! ;T

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

新年快樂! It's the year of the Tiger, so bring the new year with a RAWR. Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Bao Na Lai! ^_^v

corny, I know. 

I'm more or less reinventing this blog (I promise, I'll write more often. I swear. this is the third time I'm writing in this blog... and I WILL KEEP IT UP! XD) so that I can...
1. Update close family and closer friends (especially when I'm abroad, and this beats facebook because I don't want to be constantly tagging people or limiting non-facebook people to read this.) without having to write individual emails, facebook posts, call you (not that I don't care about you, but international charges are high and skype is not entirely dependable.) So... in short, if I've invited you to read this, chances are I think you're important to me, and I want you to keep in touch. okay? seriously. or else I'll send my stuffed animal army and suffocate you with hugs! >:)
2. A way to let me vent about everyday life, please excuse the language, but I've noticed that mainstream society has a very... curious way to drive people into insanity. We do live in a funny little world don't we? 
3. Lamely attempt HTML, because it's another life skill that I have deemed necessary to learn. gah. 
4. Show you guys the extensive amount of music I've been listening to. NO, DON'T WORRY, it's not going to be all crazy Finnish metal. =] Music, among other things, seems to be the quickest way to calm me down and recollect myself. Some people have drugs. Others, alcohol. I think in the end, music's probably the best way to destress, whether it's classical, Finnish metal, loud club music, etc. 
5. work on my writing. As much as I dislike people's criticism, one will never learn properly unless s/he receives some critiques and opinions. Considering that I would like to write a book one day, I think it's best that I start writing publicly now, so that I can see how people take in my writing. Do comment? =]

I do have an Xanga, and I was wondering if I should link it... or if I should renew my Xanga, or something or other. Any ideas? 

I also admit that I'm renewing my blog writing because I was inspired to by a dear friend or two. So, in short. Thanks for continuous inspiration even though we're oceans apart. =]

Anyway. It was Chinese New Year yesterday/two days ago, and I totally disregarded Valentine's day. As I've told many, I blame my high school sweetheart for destroying my perception of V Day. No more dozen red roses? (although I prefer blue XD) Boo. This holiday kills my soul. -.-'' Although it would have been nice to have gone to that Chinese New Year show that CASA has for the new year, I opted to go to dinner with Matt, Anita, and Maadina at Founding Farmers, probably one of the best restaurants in DC, and it's only like 4 blocks from where I live! <3 I also ended up going to a birthday party in Ivory later that night. To say the least, the party was enjoyable and had lots of very... interesting... stories to tell the next day. Classes start tomorrow, after legit not having classes since 4 February... (why yes Mother, I have not been to school for the past 12 days.) I have to give a tour in the morning before I head off to classes, and I haven't given tours since December.... Hm.... let's see how this goes tomorrow. hehe.

I'm going to try to have some more visuals and what not.... like pictures from SNOWpocalypse and such. But for now, I'll post a youtube video... I've been listening to a lot of top 40/stuff that gets a lot of airplay on Radio Eska , so I've been picking up random Europop artists.... including Tinchy Stryder. Hope you enjoy it! =]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back to business

Not really.

I'm currently sitting at my desk in my boss' law firm. and I figured, why not, let's restart this blog thing again, who knows? Maybe I'll write more in it, maybe I'll write less. True, I've been having the urge to write and write and write and write (rather, talk and talk and talk and talk) but, with no one to really chat it up (okay, I lie, I'm too lazy to go on AIM, too lazy to go make a phone call, etc x.x'') but.... it's not like anyone would get what I'm really saying anyway. it's oki.

So. I'm going to keep up with this, somehow, with what I don't know, but yeah.... I'll figure it out as I come along. It's what I do, right? =P

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


hiya, 1st blogger post. um... cool!